Sunday 15 July 2012

Tips For Traveling With Your Dog

If you prefer traveling with your dog, or you are thinking about doing so for the first time and are a little wary of how he or she will handle it. Today, many hotels, motels and other traveling accommodations welcome pets into their facilities and the following tips can help to make the trip safer and more comfortable for you and your dog.

First of all, you should take your dog to the vet to have him checked out to make sure he is in good condition before attempting to take him on the road. If your pet is sick, taking him in a car or a plane into a new environment will just stress him or her out even more. Also, make sure all vaccinations are up to date so your dog is safe from diseases such as rabies and distemper. If your pet gets lost, having him tagged and his vaccinations up to date will also help you get him out of the pound quicker. While you are at the vet, you should also make sure you have enough medication to last your entire trip if your pooch is on any meds. It is also wise to ask the vet to write you another prescription in case the medicine you are carrying gets lost or damaged in some way.

Before packing your dog along with your suitcase, you will also want to consider what type of traveling method you are using. Most people prefer to take their pets along when they are driving, because dogs tend to handle driving better than flying. However, if you must fly, make sure you contact your airlines well in advance to make good flying arrangements for your friend.

You should also pack a doggy suit case for your trip along with your own. Pack all his medication, prescription information, extra ID tag, health records, some toys he or she enjoys playing with, and of course his food and any treats he enjoys.

Most importantly, you will want to consider your dogs personality before taking him on a vacation with you. If your dog is a social animal and enjoys being around other dogs as well as people, he or she should be fine to take along. On the other hand, if he is anti-social, meaning prefers to be just with you and your family, you might want to think about leaving Fido with a friend. When you bring along an anti social animal, they are going to be unhappy, and consequently make you unhappy in the process because you will be constantly worrying about their well being.

By following these few tips, your trip with your dog should be a happy one - enjoy!

Friday 13 July 2012

A dog will always be loyal to you, and love you unconditionally.

Dogs have been man's best friend since mankind was living in a cave, and dogs are still helping to keep us safe and are an excellent cure for loneliness.
We don't know when dogs first became man's best friend, but we do know they are still our best friend. The experts say all dogs are descended from a wolf like dog, and now there are heaps of different dog breeds. 
But it doesn't matter what breed you love, you still have to get into a lot of dog training just to be able to control it. Since the movie "The Horse Whisperer" dog whisperers have become popular. You could say Dog Whispering is just another kind of dog training. But if you are not into Dog Whispering there are lots of courses and books out there, on and off cyberspace to help you train your dog.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Dog Diseases

Common Dog Diseases - How To Prevent and Cure Them!

The Importance of the Dogs' Anal Gland 

In the movie The Fisher King there is a rather humorous scene in which Robin Williams' character is scooting himself along the ground by digging his heels in and dragging his bare bottom across the grass. 

Dog Allergies are Common
It's not widely known that dogs, just like human beings, can and do suffer from allergies.  In fact, about twenty percent of the dogs in the United States alone suffer from allergy at any one time! 

Canine Distemper Virus 
Puppies between the ages of three and six months are most susceptible to the canine distemper virus. It is therefore essential to vaccinate puppies against this deadly disease. 

CPR for Pets
Anyone who has been to a CPR class is familiar with the basics of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but you're probably not familiar with mouth-to-snout resuscitation.  It can save pets' lives - perhaps even the life of your own dog. 

Heartworms in Dogs
Heartworms (Latin name Dirofilaria immitis) are parasitic worms that are common in both dogs and cats. 

Hepatitis in Dogs
Hepatitis, a disease of the liver that is seen in several animals, including humans, is caused by a viral infection. 

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs
A fairly common degenerative disease in dogs, canine hip dysplasia, is often misunderstood. Many mistakenly think that the ailment is a form of arthritis, but that is simply not the case. 

Kennel Cough in Dogs
Kennel cough can be caused by several airborne bacteria and viruses

Leptospirosis in Dogs
Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can affect a dog's blood, liver, and kidneys. 

Obesity in Dogs
Numerous studies have shown that more Americans are obese today than ever before and, interestingly, we’re not the only ones. 

Parvovirus and Your Dog
Parvovirus (commonly called Parvo) is a viral disease that affects dogs. 

Treating Your Dog for Dehydration
Dehydration in dogs can be a serious matter. Whether caused by illness, exposure to heat, or a simple lack of fluid intake. 

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Sleeping habits of your dogs

Sleep is a very important factor in human development. It is also a main factor in your dogs development as well, dogs need it for the maintenance of good health and wellbeing. It allows our bodies the chance to refresh and rejuvenate, and a chance for our minds to dream. The same goes for your dog.
Dogs sleep for at least 13 hours a day. This can vary depending on how much time we spend with each individual dog, and of course, the breed of the dog. Your dog could sleep for at least half of it’s life time! (Wouldn’t that be nice and restful!) 
We have all watched our dogs circle their beds before laying down, this is due to a natural instinct, this is how they would behave in the wild. The reason for this is to  trample down the vegetation to create a bed. Normally this would be in longer grass, as it would create a safe concealed area, away from predators!
A dog’s sleeping habits are largely instinctual.  The bed you provide for your dog should duplicate the animals natural habitat.  A Dog Bed provides a comfortable sleeping area for your dog. Much like a mattress and pillow does for us humans.  A typical Dog Bed should elevate the dog slightly above the ground, support their joints and provide a degree of warmth.  For the older dog the orthobed has been specially designed to combat joint and hip problems, and can be used for a dog who has recently had surgery.
Getting the correct Dog Bed is extremely important. The bed should be sized according to the dog’s general proportions. The dog should be able to stretch out without hanging over the side of the basket. Always make sure you are buying the correct size bed for your dog, make sure you are measuring them in the lying down position, and allow extra room for them to stretch out, otherwise you could be harming your dogs development. All sleeping dogs should feel safe and unthreatened.
To help your dog enjoy the time it spends sleeping, make sure that you are providing a bed that is not only soft but supportive, this is they key to your dogs health and wellbeing. You need to put the bed somewhere where your dog can feel part of the family. As sleeping is one of life’s pleasures, your dog will appreciate everything you do to  provide it with a wonderful place to snuggle.
Dogs are traditionally known as pack animals and are naturally accustomed to sleeping in close quarters with others. Due to this fact a single dog may benefit from a style cushion know as a cuddler. A cuddler dog cushion extends the sides to form a protective ring around the dog. It also simulates the feel of other dogs sleeping in a pack arrangement.
To find the best dog bed possible for your dog, make sure you are buying a product that has come from a reputable dog bed manufacture. A dog bed is usually constructed as a low profile oval or round basket, with a custom fitted cushion.  They must be chew resistant with no sharp edges or flashing. The cushions used in the Dog Bed should be made from washable fabrics and be resistant to scratching and chewing.  For your outdoor dog beds, they must be breathable, preferable flea resistant, off the ground, and washable.

Choosing The Right Dog Food

When choosing the type of dog food to feed your dog, you need to consider his age, breed, your dog's activity level and also his health condition. For instance, puppies and older dogs will have different types of nutritional needs and you need to ensure your dog or puppy has sufficient consumption of these nutrition so that he can live a long and happy live. It is best if you seek advice from your veterinarian before deciding on which dog food to feed your dog or puppy.

Two most popular choices of dog food are:

Dry Dog Food.

Feeding your dog with dry dog food, usually in small pieces of kibbles, is perhaps one of the most popular choices among dog owners. However, not all dog food brands use high quality natural ingredients. Ensure to read the label of ingredients listed before purchasing any brands of dog food. Here are some guidelines to give you some ideas of what the label actually tells you:

No Preservative, Artificial Colors & Flavors.Generally, natural dog food contains no preservative, artificial colors and flavors. Consumption of these components may be harmful to your dog's health if taken in a long run. Avoid those that labeled "chemical additives as a source of flavor".

Color. Lookout for the color of the dog food, generally dog food made from natural ingredients is in soft earth tones. Existence of other colors may contain some source of additives.

Type of Meat Used. Avoid brands that labeled "ingredients include meat by-product". Choose one that made from natural meat such as chicken, lamb or liver.

Raw Dog Food.

According to veterinarian, feeding your dog with raw dog food is the healthiest and the best. Raw dog food contains all natural and unprocessed ingredients. A healthy raw dog food meal usually contains 40% meat, 30% fiber and 30% starch. Thereby, when preparing a meal for your dog, be sure to include some source of vegetables and starch in addition to the uncooked meat such as liver, beef, lamb and etc. Types of vegetables like broccoli, carrots and yams are all good sources of fibers and starches for your dog.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Training your dog: Puppy Socialization and why its important.

It is safe to say that we have all witnessed a frustrated dog owner hanging on for dear life as their out of control dog jumps and pulls to get at a passing dog. We have also had to listen to the excuses for the bad behaviour. “My dog only barks at little dogs. I’m sorry I just don’t know why he does that.” There is a simple answer. The dog has never been properly socialized.

What should the dog owner have done? The first step is to make sure that the puppy has had all his/her shots. Second step is to look for a local doggy daycare or dog park in the area. These local venues are easily found by asking your vet or asking other dog owners in the in the area where they bring their canine.

When you put 10 different dogs in a room or park you will witness a lot of different reaction. You will see dominant dogs, fearful pups, barking dogs and of course dogs that just want to play.

What you are doing is introducing your dog, in a very controlled environment, to other dogs. These pups will meet on a weekly basis and learn that meeting other dogs is a positive experience. This process will begin to train your dog that it is ok to play with other dogs and prevent the defensive attitude that can develop without social interaction.

These two different venues will go a long way to socializing your dog. The most important outcome will be that your puppy will be a lot more relaxed when they meet other dogs. There will be no “defend my owner” aggressive behaviour.

Dogs are pack animals and need the social contact of other dogs to allow them to live long and healthy lives and hence puppy training is most important. Owners that deprive their puppies and adult dogs of social contact with other puppies and dogs end up with those misbehaving dogs that are very embarrassing to walk. If the issue of socializing your dog is not dealt with at a very young age it can become a very vicious cycle.
Learn to teach your dog to sit, stop barking, greet guests, shake a paw and everything in between. 

Dogs Are Our Best Friends

A dog will always be loyal to you, and love you unconditionally.
Dogs have been man's best friend since mankind was living in a cave, and dogs are still helping to keep us safe and are an excellent cure for loneliness.
We don't know when dogs first became man's best friend, but we do know they are still our best friend. The experts say all dogs are descended from a wolf like dog, and now there are heaps of different dog breeds. 
But it doesn't matter what breed you love, you still have to get into a lot of dog training just to be able to control it. Since the movie "The Horse Whisperer" dog whisperers have become popular. You could say Dog Whispering is just another kind of dog training. But if you are not into Dog Whispering there are lots of courses and books out there, on and off cyberspace to help you train your dog.